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Ways to Donate


Our monthly budget for building maintenance, utilities and insurance, along with the cost of the vicar’s ministry within the parish is approx. £7000.

This is raised through regular giving by the members of the church, one off gifts and donations, legacies, and fundraising events.

We can reclaim gift aid on all donations made by taxpayers who provide the required information.

To make a card payment online please click on the link below


To make a donation by cheque please make out to “All Saints PCC Earls Barton”

and send to:    122 Northampton Road E.B, NN6 0HF,  or :       1, Cowper Close E.B. ,  NN6 OPU


To make a donation by BACS please use our account:

Sort Code: 20 45 77                       account: 20114626                       name: All Saints PCC Earls Barton

If you would like to make more regular contributions or to discuss anything further please initially contact the vicar on; [email protected] or the church warden on:  [email protected]

Friends of All Saints is a separate charity which provides funds solely to repair and maintain the building. If you would prefer to make donations through this organisation please visit their website: friendsofallsaints.org.uk

Thank you!