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New or Exploring?


Whether you have just moved into Earls Barton, new to Christianity or are just exploring, we hope this page will provide a useful overview. Don’t forget, if you have any unanswered questions, our Vicar will be happy to have an informal chat.  

Use the links below to jump down to the different sections on this page…

Church Life (our Church in Earls Barton)

Our Identity (being part of the Church of England)

The Christian Faith 

Church Life

Although we are blessed with a wonderful historic building, our Church is the community. This community of individuals is diverse, coming from different backgrounds, different traditions and each person having their own personal relationship with God. Despite our diversity we are united in our worship and fellowship together. Our Worship (throughout the week and on Sunday) helps us to recognise who God really is; it opens our hearts to what is good and gives us direction. The Church of England has produced a video exploring why people feel gathering together is important. Please visit the Worship section for more information; we have also produced a useful list of Frequently Asked Questions.


As a Church we hope to support people through their everyday lives and together be a blessing to the world. We also provide encouragement and support to help us live out our ‘weekday’ lives in the love of God. Please see the Our Community section for more information.  

Our Identity

Church of England

All Saints’ is part of the Church of England (also known as the ‘C of E’ or Anglican Church). The Church of England has around 12’600 parishes grouped into 42 Diocese. The Church of England is the ‘established church’ in England meaning, among other things, that the Queen is the Church’s Supreme Governor. Spiritual direction and leadership in society comes from the Archbishop of Canterbury who is supported by the Archbishop of York. Big decisions in the Church of England are made at General Synod which usually takes place twice a year, once in London and once in York. Membership of General Synod is made up of Bishops, Clergy (e.g. Vicars) and lay people (e.g. congregation members). Visit the Church of England website for more information.

The Archbishop of Canterbury is also spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion. The Communion is a group of 45 Anglican Churches (including the Church of England). Together the Communion is made up of tens of millions of people from over 165 countries. Visit the Anglican Communion website for more information.

Diocese of Peterborough

All Saints’ is part of the Diocese of Peterborough, which encompasses much of Northamptonshire. Our Diocesan Bishop (the Bishop of Peterborough) is the Rt. Revd. Donald Allister. The Bishop of Peterborough, who is supported by the Suffragan Bishop of Brixworth, oversees our Church and provides us with pastoral support. The Diocese offices also manage much of the administration and also provide training. The Diocese also runs a number of events each year; to find out more please visit the Diocese of Peterborough website.

All Saints’ Church, Earls Barton

The parish of All Saints’ encompasses the whole of Earls Barton and some of the surrounding area (view the parish boundary on A Church Near You). Our Vicar (sometimes known as a Rector in other parishes) , with a dedicated team of lay volunteers, supports the Church in its mission and provide pastoral support to the congregation and parishoners in Earls Barton. The Parochial Church Council (or PCC) is the charitable trust which manages All Saints’ Church. The PCC is made up of the Vicar, Churchwarden(s) and other congregation members elected to the role. The PCC is consulted and takes decisions on matters for promoting the mission of the Church. Our Churchwaden(s), elected each year, work(s) with the Vicar to ensure the Church  is run effectively.

The Christian Faith

As a Church we are united in the Christian Faith. The Church of England has a useful section exploring what the Christian faith is. The following excerpt provides an introduction:

Belief in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit is at the heart of our faith. Christians believe that Jesus is God’s Son. Jesus reveals to us that God is our Father, and that God is available to us through the Holy Spirit. 

You won’t ever be asked if you completely understand all this. But you are asked whether you believe and trust. This is called faith. It is a different sort of knowledge. It is the knowledge of being known and loved, and of loving in return.

The Christian faith is not a human invention. There are signs of God’s existence and handiwork in creation for anyone to read (Acts 14.15–17). But we believe in the way we do because God has come to seek us out and has made himself known to us. 

God has revealed himself through the Bible. God has revealed himself most clearly through the gift of his Son, Jesus Christ. God makes himself known personally to each believer through the work of the Holy Spirit. 

The video below, by the Church of England, explores how people describe God.

If you are exploring the Christian faith then please feel welcome to come along to a service (either during the week or on a Sunday) or contact the Vicar directly for a friendly chat. The Church of England website also has some useful information.