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Our Vision & Values

Here at All Saints’ we wish to be a welcoming community of individuals sharing and growing through worship and service to others. Through discernment and prayer we set out our core values and created a 5-year vision for our Church.

Our Values

Welcoming: Just as God is a welcoming and inclusive God, we will be a welcoming and inclusive community, celebrating diversity as a sign of God’s infinite love and creativity.

Worshipping: Through prayer and worship we will allow ourselves to be transformed by the power of the spirit, increasing in faith and commitment to the gospel, which is the good news of Jesus Christ.

Serving: Through word and action we will live the gospel, serving others generously and unselfishly.

Sharing: Empowered by the spirit we will share the gospel with our community and the wider world.

Growing: In doing these things, we will deepen our relationship with the living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and we will grow in numbers, in discipleship, and in love for one another.

Our Vision

We held a vision day to help us discern God’s plans for us here at All Saints.  The outcome was we took all saints existing vision statement, and identified three pathways, each of which has a number of goals to be attained by 2021.  The three pathways are:

  • Welcoming 
  • Growing & Sharing 
  • Serving & Worshipping.

We created our 5 Year Plan (2016-2021), setting out objectives for each of the pathways.

I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord…….to give you a future with hope.     Jeremiah 29:11