Although the Derby clashing with our Harvest Festival celebrations and the service over running, the Social Group managed the brunch well.
After the congregation had eaten their sausages in rolls, it was all hands on deck to clear away and start serving the spectators with tea and cake. Lulled into a false sense of calm, by the lack of takers, we started to relax…and then the racing stopped and we were deluged with customers! Luckily the valiant team of volunteers sliced, poured, cleared, washed up (and took money) and generally coped until the racing started again. After the second race there was prizegiving and no additional rush of customers. So we were cleared up and home to put our feet up by just after 3, though we had to drive all around the village to make it home.
Many, many thanks to everyone who helped with cake making and also to all who worked so hard on the day.
We raised a magnificent £120.30 in the afternoon and received donations of £17 for the brunch.
It seems likely that the Derby will be an annual event and we will be ready to take part again next year.