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Messy Church

Today’s Messy Church theme was ‘Talking to God’.  We had a great teaching followed by some MESSY crafts and a nice lunch at the end.  Everyone had a great time.  It was lovely to see you all there and a massive thanks to everyone who helped put this event on.

New Vicar Jenny is here!!

Our lovely new  vicar Jenny Ingram will be taking her first Sunday Services on 7th July. Everyone is welcome to come along to meet her at our traditional 9.30am communion service, or our more modern informal service at 11am, or our evensong service at 6pm – she is going to have a busy day!

Christian Aid Week May 10th – 16th

We had hoped to support Christian Aid Week by holding a church breakfast on Sunday 17th, followed by a speaker in church. Obviously this will no longer happen, but Christian Aid still need our financial support, love and prayers. Please go to their website to donate and find out more about what they are doing […]

Big Quiz

The Big Quiz Night is back on Saturday 16th November starts 7.15pm at All Saints Church Hall We need teams of up to 6 people & ask for a suggested donation of £5 per person – we’re  raising funds for Tearfund’s fantastic development work. Please book in even if you don’t have a team as […]

Soapbox Derby

Although the Derby clashing with our Harvest Festival celebrations and the service over running, the Social Group managed the brunch well. After the congregation had eaten their sausages in rolls, it was all hands on deck to clear away and start serving the spectators with tea and cake.  Lulled into a false sense of calm, by the […]

Bibles for EBPS

Following the wonderful response from our church family to the “Buy a Bible for Earls Barton Primary School Appeal”  we have raised enough to buy the 30 Lion Story Teller Bibles and 15 International  Children’s Bibles requested by the school.  They are due to be delivered very soon. We will be including a dedication in each […]

Church Opening

All Saints Church will be open for limited periods from Sept 21st through the Autumn/ Winter. A volunteer will be on hand to welcome those who want to spend time in private prayer, or those who want to visit our beautiful and historic building. Opening times: Tuesday mornings 10am- noon Friday afternoons 2pm-4pm  Saturday mornings […]

Harvest Festival 10am Sept 19th

Please come along to celebrate all that God gives us! Recent tradition has been to ask people to make donations of tinned, boxed, packaged supplies to go to Food Banks rather than fresh fruit and vegetables.  This year we will be supporting EB is Kind  -who have specific items they need, please click on the link […]

ASEB Knitting

 AS EB Knitting is selling hand knitted hats, scarves, hand warmers, toys plus other things to raise money for All Saints Church Earls Barton. For all the details follow the link to its own web page: http://jilltimms.wixsite.com/k… to make payments follow the link to: https://pay.churchdesk.com/fLa… ASEB Knitting goods will be available for viewing and purchase […]


Alpha is a series of weekly sessions where you can explore life’s big questions and the Christian faith in an open-minded and welcoming environment. There’s no cost, and no pressure… just lots of great conversation and space to think. Each session includes food, a short talk and time of discussion where you can share your thoughts […]


On the night of Wednesday 24th June All Saints will turn green, in support of St John Ambulance.  Many people in the village volunteer with the organisation and do a fantastic job at our village events such as the carnival, soap box derby, carols on the square etc. So this is our way of saying […]

Lent Reflections

Lent is a time to prepare for the events of Easter, when Jesus died for us.  Use our Lent Reflections to consider the implications of this and become a better person. Click on the link from the news tab. There will be new reflections each week during Lent. Pop into the church, it is open […]

A new Era for the Church Hall

January 2021 Our grade 2 listed church hall is subsiding, has damp in several rooms and has leaking roofs. It needs a lot of TLC!  The hall is truly a village asset, being used by the Saxon Preschool and many village organisations for the majority of the week.  So, we have decided to embark on an ambitious project […]


Jill Timms is busily making those essential new fashion items – Face masks! She has a wide selection of fabrics – why just have one when you can have lots! They are made with 2 layers of fabric and two layers of none woven lining which reduces the number of particles passing through the mask. […]


YAAAS (Young Adults at All Saints Earls Barton) A community of those aged 18 to 35 (ish), seeking to grow in faith together and discover what it means to be disciples of Jesus. We meet monthly on the first Tuesday of the month for a hour, led by a different member each time of the group in prayer, a […]

Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving

Sunday 3rd Nov at 4pm is our “Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving ” (also known as All Souls). This is a very atmospheric time where we light candles and read out a list of names of all those who now live only in our hearts and memories. If you would like a name added to […]


Even when we feel helpless, we can always pray. Follow the link to OUR EARLS BARTON PRAYER LHL.png Follow the link to 6 DAYS and WAYS to PRAY 6 Days and Ways to Pray.JPG Follow the link to MAKE YOUR OWN PRAYER CANDLE make your own candle.JPG

Fairtrade Shop Re-Opens Sat 17th April

Our Fairtrade Shop in the Church Hall will be re-opening on Saturday 17th April from 10am – 1pm. Our goods are spread out around the hall, as well as in the shop, so there is lots of space to spread out  -but customers are asked to wear facemasks and observe social distancing. Hope to see you […]

Patronal festival Sun 3rd Nov 10am

Sunday 3rd Nov at 10am is our Patronal Festival when we celebrate “All the Saints” from whom the church took its name.The painted figures on the screen depict various saints – pop in and see if you can work out who (answers in the guide book!) Please join us on Sunday! – 10am

Church Goes Green in support of SJA

Last night All Saints’ joined a large number of landmark buildings around the country, including other churches and cathedrals, which were be lit in green in the evening to celebrate St John’s Day and the work of St John Ambulance as the charity supports the NHS in the fight against COVID-19. Green is of course […]